
Summer is for sun tea

A new tea brand, new products, high-quality content.


Field of the tea

A classic , high-quality, dunduri teas, and a wide range of.



Gifts for you, your loved and friends, a variety of ensembles.

    Your cart
    Piparmētru tēja 25 X 1g.
    2 X 1.10 = 2.20
    Svētku komplekts
    3 X 19.99 = 59.97
    Raspberry and mint tea
    4 X 2.30 = 9.20
    Mint tea
    3 X 1.35 = 4.05
    Ugunspuķu tēja
    2 X 1.35 = 2.70
    Vigrižu tēja parastā
    1 X 1.35 = 1.35
    Chamomile tea
    1 X 1.35 = 1.35
    Ķimeņu augļu tēja
    2 X 1.05 = 2.10
    Morning tea
    2 X 2.30 = 4.60
    Kompliments sievietei
    2 X 9.59 = 19.18
    Kumelīšu tēja 25 X 1g.
    2 X 1.10 = 2.20
    Mežrozīšu tēja
    1 X 1.35 = 1.35
    Kompliments vīrietim
    1 X 9.59 = 9.59
    Piparmētru un ogu miks
    1 X 19.99 = 19.99
    Blackcurrant and mint tea
    2 X 2.30 = 4.60